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View the World as a Place of Abundance

Some people think that life plays favorites. They assume that the world (or God) has reserved seats for them in “the nose bleed section” and given others the preferred positions. They think life has spread thorns before them and given others a path covered with rose petals. Such people tend to possess an austere...

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Invest Your Life Doing What You Love

The fool is so committed to the pursuit of evil that nothing deters him. He detests the very thought of turning from his course. This single-mindedness is admirable, even if the pursuit is not. Plenty of people have commendable longings and passions, but they lack the wrongdoer’s single-minded devotion to what he loves. In...

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Few Things Pay As Well as Diligence

When you pursue something with the expectation of doing well or being successful, sometimes failure is the result, and you may become disappointed or discouraged. You may then decide to give up on your pursuit, but before you do, reconsider. The despairing person does not roast his game, but the diligent person captures the...

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